Monday, March 15, 2010

School Reunion and Some random thoughts

School reunion –second meeting was revealing. It might be not that nostalgic but still wondering does people dwell in past. Does backbiting is internal part of human nature or it’s just evolving manifestation of certain situations with certain people. What is common aspiration to meet our school friends/mates? It is to know who is better than whom? Or it is simple curiosity to digging some whereabouts our schoolmates. Does it contents hidden jealousy about each other?

What ever may it be but it might lead to some kind contemplation about life.

Nobody is perfect. I have done some objective criticism many times in past but as emotional intelligence is being evolved within, the urge for it no more exist. Even I was unaware of the fact that everyone is not ready to absorb the objective criticism very well.

I might have hurt lots of people during journey towards knowing my-self deep down. There were never deliberate intentions to blow emotions of others but temptation of flashing your intelligence, brainy thoughts; expression could lead to unknowingly distress some one emotionally.

It’s revelation to me some few months back that some times you don’t need to express your thoughts, opinion and just accept the natural flow of emotions of others. Respect everyone’s thoughts, expressions and let it go specially response to female counterpart.

Do people perceive married people are safer to deal with or its mare perceptive illusion of people being committed, married considered as safe? Does it based on our cultural history and social background with limited scope. Most of the times new contacts, trusting on you more than your family or friends. It might be due to unbiased view towards you and they could see you as you are now and no more past emotional scars on them. How could we heal their scars without being exhibiting your efforts to do so? Journey continues to raising more and more questions and finding solution to them.

Understand your self, you will understand world better than ever before and your thoughts process will much more clear and without any doubts leading to generating piece of mind and body together.